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VOMMA CEO Li Haotian: optical field imaging system industrial application

Publisher: Release time: 2023-03-28 Pageview (1851)
At 14:00 on March 29, Li Haotian, CEO of VOMMA, will be a guest of Chuangdao Hard Technology to share the application of optical field imaging system industry.

At 14:00 on March 29, Li Haotian, CEO of  VOMMA, will be a guest of Chuangdao Hard Technology to share the application of optical field imaging system industry.

At present, the camera is applied in the fields of transparent/translucent module three-dimensional layered detection, chip gold wire three-dimensional detection, virtual image surface three-dimensional detection, new energy batteries and pinhole three-dimensional detection. More industrial application details please pay attention to live content!

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